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How we make decisions

TRANSforming Futures believes in power being held by communities, and so we are creating  systems that put power back into the hands of communities at every point of the partnership project to ensure trans communities and trans people set the agenda and hold decision-making powers.


Trans individuals within our consultations created the solutions for the issues impacting trans communities. The partnership then consolidated these ideas into reports and shared them.


Trans individuals, groups, and organisations were then able to create projects based on these ideas, and apply for funding, training, or resources to assist them in putting these ideas into practice.


All applications are passed to a panel. The panel includes trans community members and trans experts. The panel chooses which applications are approved or rejected. The approved projects are then passed through to the partnership who do a final safety & risk check as well as agreeing who will provide the requested resources if skills or non-monetary resources have been requested, and then vote to pass the application.  

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